Travel Forms

Are you traveling with students?  yes

Are you traveling overnight to San Antonio or further?  YES

Travel Guidelines

All overnight travel to San Antonio or further done by CTE students, whether it be competitive or non-competitive, will need to adhere to all district travel guidelines and must have School Board of Trustees approval. 

All travel forms must be approved by campus principal and submitted to the CTE Department at least 60 days before the scheduled board meeting. 

Board Forms

The Rationale Form

Extended Student Travel Form

Student List

Itinerary and/or Agenda

Accounting Forms

Triplicate Form

Hotel Purchase Order Requisition

Must include the Hotel's W-9 Form & Reservation Conformation. 

Registration Purchase Order Requisition

Must include the Event's Registration Invoice.

Itinerary and/or Agenda

Student List (with scores)

Bus Request

K-9 Request